About Me


Tanya Larkin

DSCN0648 (640x480) My name is Tanya Larkin, until last summer I was Tanya Berg, Dawn’s twin sister. I was married to Brent Larkin last summer here in Victoria BC. I was also off for a year on maternity, what an experience! I am now not only a wife, but I am also a proud mom of a little girl named Hunter – what a year! Oh, and did I mention I just bought the house next door to my twin Dawn, dream come true.

As for work, I teach humanities at Westshore Centre for Learning and Training. This includes some face to face and some online courses. I have been at WCLT for 6 years and I have been teaching for 8 years. I started out teaching night school to adults at WCLT, but quickly started the Jump Ahead Program with Dawn. We soon transitioned this into the Futures Program with Devon, what a team we now are!

fairway market I love my little girl Hunter, I never knew how much a little body could change me and my priorities. My new favourite activity or ‘thing’ is being a mom. Next I probably love being outside and exercising, kind of crazy about it. I ride bikes (mountain, cross and road) and run off road, once in a while I compete just to remind myself of what it is like to really suffer. Aside from playing mom, working and working out I like to work on my house and play with my dogs, I live a simple life, but enjoy every moment.